السبت، 29 فبراير 2020

I always thought that as long as I was reading I would be able to make sense of the world, I guess.

I never not liked myself. I guess people grow up and know more. but I faltered. :(

الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2020

ولا تملك لنفسها نفعا ولا ضرا 

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت، أستغفرك وأتوب إليك :)
Hello my name is Lubnah, i am 24 and will be 25 in September. I am taking classes from the translation department. And one elective. Espanol.

I feel like my whole life has dwindled to nothingness/ كل كتاباتي عدمية 

بمعنى أنها تعبر عن ما لا يوجد 

The idea of nothingness has always appealed to me. 

السبت، 22 فبراير 2020

الأربعاء، 19 فبراير 2020

عربيتي غريبة في لساني!

ولا أعرف ماذا أكتب ولما أكتبه!

أنا الخيال الواسع الذي سوف تنطفأ جذوة جمره يوما ما لأنه لم يحمل شيئا من الواقع وما لامسه. وأنا تلك العيون المنتخفة من نوم أحسد عليه ولم يجدي نفعه. أنا الرفات فوق القبور الذي يذكر أيا ما كان بأني كنت يوما إنسانة. أنا العربية التي محوتها مني يوما بعد يوم،

I am everything fading away that used to be shiny, sparkly or glittered. 

I feel like I am being soooooo stupid, but this is not an awakening call. 

You're my my my my LOVER.
Adjust your whole life to your comfort but not you so that it becomes comfortable :)

الاثنين، 17 فبراير 2020

i am learning spanish now :) 
Ed sheeran man
i am a girl who is mostly interested in being okay mentally and psychologically. i feel like there is so much more to life than just living in vain and being alone. without feeling satisfied on the inside. my philosophy has always been to like what i am doing and try doing something better and better, be refined in any profession. Right now i am a translation major at university and i am learning about english and arabic and quite enjoying it, although i have to admit i don't understand everything about it. i wanted to be the best in the past i guess that makes me a little worldly gains kind of person. but i am not just that person i am so much more. i am a language enthusiast, learning for pleasure, tea addicted (trying to be healthy) kind of person. there is so much else to be said and told but i am feeling kindda sick and i don't know what else to do but be relentless in my quest of self revelation. 

وقالوا قلوبنا غلف بل لعنهم الله بكفرهم

i think about this verse from time to time and i think to myself this must be my stone hard heart

i want to be okayyyyyyy man, have something warm in my body and feel good. :)

stop harming other people like you don't know the kind of pain she must've gone through and you will never know probably. :(