الجمعة، 30 نوفمبر 2018

I want to write this, to feel like I'm able to produce something. My name is known to those who know my true essence. I am like an exotic fragrance that only appeals to certain types of people. I like music, way too much. I also have many addictions, I am addicted for example to sad stories. I am addicted to tea and coffee too. I like to think that once upon a time I was addicted to books too, or let's say to words. I was somewhat of an avid reader, and growing up in my culture you don't have to read that many books to be considered bookish or a book-worm. Now, it seems, nothing can make me happy. I feel like I want to shout, but it might get sucked in a void. 

What was I talking about? Music. I love music, they are one of the sole reasons I have a good English language. 

I feel like I am always tired. Sallaaam.