So, I've come to this realization that I will never amount to anything. I feel like I can't go on, and I am gonna be regretting it soon even though I can't do anything about it. I have five different subjects this semester one of which I didn't particularly study for, attended the midterm or did the project required for it. The instructor of that subject is really cool. He allows to skip class if we don't feel well or something and he is generally approachable.
As for the other subjects I am doing well in just one, which is translation 2. I am, for two reasons: one being the doctor is lenient and the course is practical. I got 23.5 and 22 in test 1 and test 2 which is really great but so did most of the class. They scored quite well too.
There is this subject called Arabic Syntax which is really hard. I don't understand much when I attend the lectures. I am pretty clueless during the 1 h 40 m it's held within.
This leaves Arabic Skills 1 which is pretty good but I am kind of afraid of the final. Also, English morphology where I had 15.5/20 and 13/25 in the two tests we carried on for the subject. The second result is pretty bad. I am trying to fix it but I am not sure how.
In conclusion, I am really bad when it comes to studying. I have the habit of over thinking about the consequences of my bad actions and wasting time which is a waste of time itself. I hope one day everything becomes well.